Before you enable live mode and start accepting digital currency payments from your customers, review this checklist of best practices to ensure your integration’s success.

Set the API Version

The Flexa API uses an ISO 8601-formatted date for versioning. Although the API doesn’t require a version to return a response, you can reduce the impact of any future breaking changes by explicitly sending the latest version with all requests.

Test edge cases

Your customers may not interact with your integration in the ways you expect. Flexa payment pages and the Flexa API are designed to handle various error cases, but you should ensure that you’re testing at least a few edge case scenarios to confirm that unexpected customer behavior doesn’t cause you to drop payments.

Test on both mobile and desktop (as applicable)

If deploying your integration for in-person or payment clips, make sure to test the entire flow as your customers would experience it (using a comparable device).

If deploying your integration for online payments, test on both mobile and desktop devices with a variety of browsers to ensure that your payment experience renders correctly and is accessible to your customers across each platform.

Review payout reporting

Even though test mode payments don’t beget actual financial transactions, they’ll still be recorded on simulated payout reports, so that you can review whether the completed transactions match your own records.

Take a look at these reports to ensure that the simulated payouts are as expected and that you’re accurately recording completed and failed payments.

Review marketing materials (as applicable)

When a new business starts accepting digital currencies for the first time, it often inspires digital currency holders to share in their excitement with social media communities. Regardless of whether you are planning an announcement around expanded payments acceptance, you should prepare your marketing and social media teams for outreach they may receive from enthusiastic customers.

As your integration progresses, our Partnerships team will share best practices for managing the response to a new Flexa Payments integration and can also help coordinate joint marketing activities, such as a press release or social posts.

Review your branding

When accepting digital currency payments, presenting an authentic brand image is critical for establishing trust with your customers. As you test your Flexa Payments integration, make sure that your brand details accurately reflect your most current brand identity so that your customers know exactly who they’re paying.

Change your API keys

You or your developer can replace (or “rotate”) your Flexa API keys at any time. As a best-practice security measure, you should consider rotating your test and live API keys just before you go live with your integration, in order to eliminate any risk of your API keys being cached or compromised during development.

We hope this checklist is helpful in facilitating your launch of Flexa Payments. As a reminder, you can always contact our Partnerships team if you have any questions or concerns about how to best approach going live with your integration. Good luck!