Flexa Payments offers the broadest selection of digital currencies for payments acceptance, giving your customers an enormous amount of flexibility when it comes to making use of their digital assets.

Payment currencies

When you integrate Flexa Payments, your customers can use their preferred wallet app to send you any of the currencies listed below. Flexa then receives and instantly converts these currencies into your preferred payout currency to ensure that you never have to worry about undesired exposure to price volatility or slippage.

A note about app compatibility

Many wallet apps support only a subset of the currencies listed below. As a result, although your Flexa Payments integration enables all of these supported currencies, the choice of payment currencies shown to your customer will often be restricted by their choice of app.

1INCH token1INCHGovernanceEthereum1inch DAO
AdaADABlockchain assetCardanoCardano Foundation
AlgoALGOBlockchain assetAlgorandAlgorand Foundation
AmpAMPGovernanceEthereumAcronym Foundation
ApeCoinAPEGovernanceEthereumApe Foundation
API3API3GovernanceEthereumAPI3 DAO
ASHASHGovernanceEthereumMurat Pak
ASMASMGovernanceEthereumASSEMBLE Protocol
ATOMATOMGovernanceCosmosInterchain Foundation
AUCTIONAUCTIONGovernanceEthereumBounce Finance
AVAXAVAXBlockchain assetAvalanche C-ChainAva Labs
Axie Infinity ShardAXSGamingEthereumAxie Infinity
Balancer Governance TokenBALGovernanceEthereumBalancer Labs
Bancor Network TokenBNTGovernanceEthereumBancor
Basic Attention TokenBATGovernanceEthereumBrave
BitcoinBTCBlockchain assetBitcoin, LightningBitcoin Core developers
Bitcoin CashBCHBlockchain assetBitcoin CashBitcoin Cash developers
BONDBONDGovernanceEthereumBarnBridge DAO
CeloCELOBlockchain assetCeloCelo Foundation
Celo DollarcUSDDigital USDCeloCelo Foundation
Centrifuge tokenwCFGGovernanceEthereumCentrifuge Network Foundation
COMPCOMPGovernanceEthereumCompound Labs
Crypto.com CoinCROGovernanceEthereumCRO Protocol Labs
CTXCTXGovernanceEthereumCryptex DAO
Curve DAO TokenCRVGovernanceEthereumCurve DAO
DaiDAIDigital USDEthereumMakerDAO
DashDASHBlockchain assetDashDash Core Group
DESKDESKLoyaltyPolygonCoinDesk Studios
DogecoinDOGEBlockchain assetDogecoinDogecoin Core developers
ELONELONGovernanceEthereumDogelon Mars developers
Enjin CoinENJGovernanceEthereumEnjin
EOSEOSBlockchain assetEOSBlock.one
EtherETHBlockchain assetEthereumEthereum Foundation
FARMFARMGovernanceEthereumHarvest Finance
FILFILBlockchain assetFilecoinProtocol Labs
FOXFOXGovernanceEthereumShapeShift DAO
FraxFRAXDigital USDEthereumFrax Finance
FWBFWBGovernanceEthereumFriends With Benefits DAO
GALAGALAGamingEthereumGala Games
Gemini dollarGUSDDigital USDEthereumGemini Trust Company
GMTGMTGovernanceSolanaFind Satoshi Lab
GYENGYENDigital JPYEthereumGMO-Z.com Trust Company
INJINJGovernanceEthereumInjective Protocol
Kyber Network CrystalKNCGovernanceEthereumKyber Network
LitecoinLTCBlockchain assetLitecoinLitecoin Foundation
Livepeer TokenLPTGovernanceEthereumLivepeer
LumenXLMBlockchain assetStellarStellar Development Foundation
Magic Internet MoneyUSDDigital USDEthereumAbracadabra
MANAMANAGamingEthereumDecentraland Foundation
MATICMATICGovernanceEthereumPolygon Technology
MCMCGovernanceEthereumMerit Circle DAO
MLNMLNGovernanceEthereumEnzyme Finance
mUSDmUSDDigital USDEthereummStable
NKNNKNGovernanceEthereumNew Kind of Network
NUNUGovernanceEthereumNuCypher DAO
OGNOGNGovernanceEthereumOrigin Protocol
OXTOXTGovernanceEthereumOrchid Labs
Pax DollarUSDPDigital USDEthereumPaxos
PAX GoldPAXGGovernanceEthereumPaxos
Perpetual Protocol TokenPERPGovernanceEthereumPerpetual Protocol
QNTQNTGovernanceEthereumQuant Network
Radicle tokenRADGovernanceEthereumRadicle Foundation
RARIRARIGovernanceEthereumRarible Protocol DAO
REQREQGovernanceEthereumRequest Network
RLYRLYGovernanceEthereumRally Network
SANDSANDGamingEthereumThe Sandbox
ShibSHIBGovernanceEthereumSHIBA INU
SKALESKLGovernanceEthereumN.O.D.E. Foundation
SNXSNXGovernanceEthereumSynthetix DAO
SOLSOLBlockchain assetSolanaSolana Foundation
Somnium CUBECUBEGovernanceEthereumSomnium Space
STORJSTORJGovernanceEthereumStorj Labs
SUKUSUKUGovernanceEthereumCitizens Reserve
SuperRare curation tokenRAREGovernanceEthereumSuperRare
SushiSUSHIGovernanceEthereumSushi developers
TezXTZBlockchain assetTezosTezos Foundation
UMAUMAGovernanceEthereumRisk Labs
UNIUNIGovernanceEthereumUniswap Labs
USD CoinUSDCDigital USDEthereum & Avalanche C-ChainCentre
ZECZECBlockchain assetZcashZcash Foundation

Payout currencies

When deciding whether to accept digital currencies for payments, many businesses prefer to have their payouts converted into a national currency like the US dollar or Canadian dollar. With Flexa Payments, you can receive your payouts in any currency or combination of currencies that you prefer. For example, you may choose to:

  • Receive all of your payouts as US dollars;

  • Receive 90% of your payouts as US dollars and the remaining 10% as bitcoin;

  • Receive $10,000 of your monthly payouts as US dollars, and the remainder as Shib; or

  • Receive all of your Canada payouts as Canadian dollars, and your United States payouts as 50% US dollars, 25% ether, and 25% SOL.

You can configure these payout preferences when you enable Flexa Payments, and change them at any time by reaching out to our Partnerships team.

In addition to the digital currencies listed in the “Payment currencies” table above, Flexa Payments currently supports payouts in these national currencies:

Canadian dollarCADCanada, United States
US dollarUSDUnited States, El Salvador

Request support for another currency not listed

Is there a currency you’d like to start accepting for payments that you don’t see listed above? We’re always looking to enable a wider variety of digital assets. Reach out to our Partnerships team with your request and we’ll be in touch when we can begin enabling the new currency for payments and payouts.